The whole system of money we have lived under for centuries is inherently not sustainable. You make an income. That’s good. Then you want to buy a house so you need a mortgage loan. Not good because on that loan you pay interest. At first glance people think, well that’s not so bad but they seldom take a close enough look to realize that by the time, if they ever do anymore, pay off that mortgage they have paid for three to four homes. That’s right. By the time a mortgage is paid off you have spent more than and original value of the home sometimes even four times as much. Not a bargain.

It is this idea of always paying more through interest or inflation, a tax you have no choice in paying not because things increase in value because someone at the top of the heap wants more out of you. Having to pay more every month, year, decade makes the system of money inherently unsustainable. It is a spiral that continues to go upward and outward at the same time and is right now reaching for the stratosphere. At the same time we are paying more incomes have not kept pace. In fact the middle class is disappearing and the lower incomes continue to go down. Every year in the U.S. a million more people drop into the working poor and the very poor often living below poverty.

Then when I think things can’t get worse I read about Mark Boyle who lived without money for two years. Good idea. Then after the two years he publishes a book and does speaking engagements and makes loads of money. Now if he were to have lived ten years or more without money and without outside support that would have been an achievement but two years is not as long. Could I have? Possibly considering I am living below the poverty level as I write this – under $9800 a year (living in Colorado, U.S.).

Money like the economic system that is based around it is inherently unstable and can not ever become sustainable. For it to continue to work there have to be people who live below the poverty level, then the working poor and finally a few middle class and then the wealthy above that. For the wealthy to continue to make their sums of money more and more people have to move down the economic ladder.

Now indulge me and close your eyes, after reading this next sentence first. Imagine a world without money. Close you eyes for a few minutes and imagine a world without money.

Eyes open. How did you imagine the world? Impoverished or an Eden? Reality is, if you take away the money there is nothing different. Houses still exist. Cars still exist. Food still exists. Clothing still exists. Nothing else goes away just because money went away. Everything that is here now with money will still be here when the money is gone. Some people would tell you no one would work. That people would just lay about and expect everything handed to them. If people didn’t work then how would they feed themselves, or others for that matter like their family, or friends. How would they have electricity if they didn’t show up to work to make sure electricity was being produced. The only people who would suffer would be the wealthy who don’t work. Who have never directly contributed anything. They produce nothing or contribute anything in any way. They couldn’t live without money and would do whatever possible to restart the system and the use of money. If people refused to use money then it is possible things would actually become better, without a master telling anyone that you had to work to earn a living. Without money there is no need to earn a living we could just live as people did a long, long time ago without money.

Money only exists to serve people who do not work. It has never served you or me and is not a sustainable idea. We can either chose to prepare for a world without money or we can wait until the system of debt and money collapses under it own inherent unsustainability. We can choose.